
About Us

Kolbie Fletcher
Kolbie Fletcher


Travis Fletcher
Travis Fletcher


Kolbie Fletcher

Hello my name is Kolbie Fletcher Co-owner (with my husband) of Rooted Yoga PNW. I started my journey with yoga in 2012, in 105 degrees for 90 minutes, I was hooked. I began a steady practice that soon became a passion followed by a hunger to understand the depths of yoga and my own life. The physical practice was all I knew, but it was exactly what I needed, and it was the only thing I was truly ready for. In 2016 I joined my husband, Travis in our first 200-hour teacher training, the outcome was life changing. Teaching came naturally, it was fun and creative, but I felt there was so much more to yoga and I was missing it. This led me to seek additional training from a different source. In 2017 I completed my second 200 hour training, this training included power, vinyasa, restorative, yin, a strong foundation in hands on adjustments, advanced anatomy pertaining to yoga and more self-study, but there was STILL something missing. What about our SOULS? What keeps us coming back to our mat or cushion day after day? Where is that part of yoga? I kept seeking…my curiosity took me to Bali, I found a missing link, meditation, pranayama, integrity and discipline. I craved more education. I have received certificates in Positive Psychology, Tantra/Ashtanga 100 hours (dharma training), Reiki 1 & 2, 50 hours in Advanced Tantra Hatha, Bhagavad Gita Training, and Yoga Sutras Studies. In 2019 Travis and I opened Rooted Yoga with the intention to share yoga in all its beautiful forms with our community. Yoga has given my life purpose, it’s guided me into stillness, and reminds me of why I am here. The consistent practice and teaching of yoga brings a sense of groundedness and stability, I never found elsewhere. I remain a student, which leaves me open to endless learning. Yoga is here to be shared, and my hope is that I can do my teachers and the teachings of yoga justice when I teach, so that you too, can find union within yourself and the rest of the universe.

CYT 200 hatha, CYT 200 Vinyasa/Power, 100 Traditional Tantra Hatha

Travis Fletcher

Yoga came into my life in 2009 when a friend introduced me to “a good workout.” It was a 90 minute hot yoga class that laid me out flat and left me in a puddle of my own spit, sweat, and tears. At first yoga was a physical practice that eventually cleared space for an integrated body and mind. Once I began to break down layers of conditioning I became a seeker, a student. I took my first yoga teacher training in 2016-17 and began teaching at a local studio in Spokane.

The ability to share what I found with others is a gift, which I will always give thanks to Mimi & Wes Vimont from BHY for helping me step into teaching. Since then there have been many teachers & traditions I have trained with in the attempt to deepen my own understanding and solidify the foundation of my own practice.

TT 200 hours 2016 – hatha, 100 Tantra/ Ashtanga, PTSD/ Trauma based teaching, Reiki 1 & 2, 50  hours advanced Tantra Hatha, texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The practice and study of yoga led me into years of volunteer service with multiple veteran organizations and in 2019 my wife Kolbie and I opened a yoga/meditation studio in our home town. Through service many doors have been opened, liberated from self destruction. I am ready and look forward to sharing these truths with you.
